Our Experience

Diverse is an understatement when considering all the different types of clients and industries we have provided first class solutions to. Below you will find only a small sample of some of our recent work.


PleaseFund is a crowdfunding site geared towards those in-need. 0x7a69 was able to get the site up in a small time frame and start helping people right away.

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The Learning Annex wanted to revamp their site to take them into the digital age and get people to provide their expertice via the internet, which we happily helped them do.

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Payscout is one of the premier credit card processors available to merchants today. Super reliable, PCI compliant, and the best rates in the industry make Payscout a major winner. That and that all of their top notch processing software comes from our best brains.

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Currently in private beta, AMPS is the affiliate program of the future. Built on top of Amazon's EC2 platform, it will revolutionize and modernize the affiliate program industry. Amps lets program owners worry about their business, instead of worrying about their affiliate program.

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Zevia where you need it, when you need it! 0x7a69 created an e-commerce platform closely integrated with Zevia's fulfillment partners, ensuring that you got the soda you wanted, wherever you wanted it! A soft drink made with the all natural power of Stevia, and their systems made with the super-natural power of 0x7a69.

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The software we made for Bullz runs every aspect of their business. From the time the product is manufactuered all the way until the sales rep follows up with the customer, everything is 100% tracked. Part POS, Part ERP, Part Accounting, and Part Mind-Reading.

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WebQuirks came to us with several terabytes of raw, unusable data. In the span of a couple months we turned this into a searchable document and reporting system, capable of searching over 40 billion documents in under 1 second.

Friends & Strangers

F&S is a new social network in the final stages of public testing and is slated to make a grand launch soon! Built to scale, and feature packed, this social networking platform is ready to rock.


Hustler came to us with a unique set of challenges. In less than 1 years time, we created their entire cms system that is fully dynamic, an attribute engine to allow them to quickly and easily set attributes to all of their content, and helped them find a new technical direction for the Hustler Hollywood online store


Localbilling contracted with us to aid in client integrations. With our long history of billing systems and their components, we are able to dive into any existing platform and connect the dots rapidly. Localbilling's clients were then able to move quickly on their own integrations and get processing!


Tweedle is a Twitter client for the iPhone. Featuring a snazzy and unique UI that can change colors, plus video and photo integration, search features and more, Tweedle is fast becoming a serious contender in the App Store. Version 2 Coming Soon!